Public institutions

Service: Business delegations

Location: Across Africa


Organisation of business delegations to various African markets

About Client

Over the years we have carried out several business delegations for different clients. The majority however were public institutions, state agencies and export promotion offices. All of them had one common goal: providing participating companies with the best market experience possible and uncovering business opportunities for them.

Client's industry

Various industries

Project duration

between 3-6 months


The common objective of business delegations is creating channels for groups of individual businesses to collectively explore new markets to assess their business prospects.

We work with clients across all industries.
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Our approach

We leverage our local knowledge and network bases spread across Africa’s key markets. In doing so, we are able to appropriately connect foreign companies to their counterparts on the continent. We handle all planning phases of the delegation including roundtable discussions, company visits and presentations, where we leverage our local influence to ensure we get keynote speakers of notable distinction.


We have successfully organised and executed business delegations from various industries such as manufacturing, TVET, FMCG and construction. Our expertise has seen us host business delegations across the continent from east to west Africa, as well as providing virtual solutions during times of restricted physical movement. We pride ourselves in having a 40% success rate for business created following B2B meetings we have organised. We continue to foster business relationships between Africa and international markets by enhancing market access and establishing partnerships.