Key markets in Africa

Africa is quickly becoming the world’s premier investment destination, however due to the continent-wide inaccessibility of reliable data, identifying and realising these investment opportunities becomes difficult. We have compiled sector specific profiles for a number of countries in Africa and unpacked the vast business opportunities that lie within. These sector profiles cover a general overview, challenges and opportunities. Find the right opportunity and market for your business today!

AMENA AFRICA Key Market Insights!


Population: 29.77 milion
GDP: $66.98 bilion
Languages: English


Population: 195.9 milion
GDP: $449.1 bilion
Languages: English


Population: 51.39 milion
GDP: $87.9 bilion
Languages: English and Swahili

South Africa

Population: 57.78 milion
GDP: $351.43 bilion
Languages: Afrikaans, English, Zulu, Xhosa, Venda, Southern Sotho, Tswana, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, Swati and Ndebele

Focus Countries

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